Motivational Talk. We face adversities daily in the form of our jobs, physical conditions, relationships, finances, thoughts and even external factors. In summary, the source of our challenges could be from everything to anything! What if adversities can be converted into positive opportunities? To find out more and for an unforgettable journey, come and witness Malaysia's very own and unique motivational speaker, Mr. Krushna Prabaskar, who firmly believes and practices the concept of Anything is Possible, Nothing is Impossible. He will share his most unique and memorable challenges which he has successfully transformed into positive experiences and that has helped him to lead a vibrant colorful life. For an enriching encounter with the renaissance speaker, catch him LIVE. Price per person: RM160. For Enquiries and Reservations, visit our webpage at or contact Sakthi at or 017-2393847. Kindly reserve your seats as you do not want to miss this interactive, invigorating and inspirational speaker.
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14 Aug 2015posted on
Jalan P RamleeKuala Lumpur
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